Acrobat pro macos
Acrobat pro macos

How to uninstall Adobe Acrobat Pro DC from Mac Read also: “ How to edit PDF on Mac for free.“ If you are not sure what files are associated with Adobe Acrobat Reader, use App Cleaner & Uninstaller for a safe removal. Removing other important service files might damage your system and other applications. Please, be careful and remove only files associated with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Select Adobe Reader’s service files and remove them.You will see the list of all files that have the word “adobe” in their names.In the search filed type “adobe” and press Enter.Click on Funter’s icon in the desktop toolbar.Here is how to use Funter to find and remove Adobe Reader’s hidden files: Funter is designed to find hidden files on Mac by just a file’s name. You can do this with a free tool called Funter. To make sure you completely uninstalled Adobe Reader, you can check for its remaining files with App Cleaner & Uninstaller.īefore switching to the guide on how to uninstall Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, we want to share one more way on how you can find applications’ support files. Their number depends on the period of time you have been using the application, on its version, preferences, and on other parameters. Note, that you might have more or less Adobe Reader’s service files on your Mac. And voila! You’ve completely removed Adobe Acrobat Reader from your Mac. Once you remove all Adobe Reader’s service files, empty the Trash.Check these locations for Adobe Reader support files: Click on Go.Ĭheck the folders inside the Library for the files associated with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (ARMDC).:Īlso, go to the Library folder without the tilde sign. For this, In Finder press Command+Shift+G and type ~/Library in the search field. Go to the system Library folder to find and remove Adobe Reader support files.Go to the Applications folder and remove the Adobe Reader application into the Trash.Steps on how to manually uninstall Adobe Acrobat Reader DC: We will explain how to find Adobe Reader’s remaining files. To completely uninstall Adobe Reader from your Mac, you will need to remove its executable file and all related support files, such as caches, logs, preferences, and so on. How to manually uninstall Adobe Acrobat Reader DC on Mac Also, you can use a free application Funter to find hidden files associated with Adobe Reader. You can manually find and remove Adobe Reader’s remaining files or do this automatically with App Cleaner & Uninstaller from Nektony.We recommend that you always check your Mac for applications’ remaining files for the complete uninstallation. Even if you use the native Adobe Reader’s uninstallers, some support files might be left on your Mac.It is very important to remove all Adobe Reader’s support files to uninstall the application completely. Note that every application creates tons of service files and stores them all over your system.Important notes about uninstalling Adobe Reader from Mac:

Acrobat pro macos